Mary Hill, a long time member of Roanoke Island Baptist Church celebrated her 87th. birthday on February 26, 2011. She celebrated with a “card party” and a small gathering of friends and family. She received 38 birthday cards. There were 15 people in attendance, including her Pastor and his wife and neighbors that live on both sides of her. Everyone enjoyed the red velvet cake and french vanilla and butter pecan ice cream; a few had cookie dough. Mrs. Mary blew out the candles on her cake. A good time was had by all, especially Mrs. Mary – she had a ball. She said she is already looking forward to next year.
Mrs. Mary and her husband, Hoyt, came to Roanoke Island Baptist Church about 20 years ago. They were looking for a Church in the area, stopped in at the “little Church” on the corner of Airport Road and stayed. Both of them were very active in the Church. Bro. Hoyt passed away in 2008 and since that time Mrs. Mary has had three strokes. The folks at both RIBC and Britthaven Nursing Home call her their miracle lady. She has suffered many setbacks but with the help of God and her family, she always pulls through.
Truly the Lord has worked a miracle in her life and she continues to be faithful to Church services three times a week.
Hoyt & Mary Hill - 5/10/2007 - Missions Conference
With daughter, Pat - Christmas 2008
Church Christmas Party - 2010
Church Christmas Party - 2010
87 years old - February 26, 2011
Hurry-up, Pat. Light those candles!
Ready..........set.........make a wish.......