Friday, November 4, 2011

what a beautiful morning.

Good morning everyone.  I know you must think I am crazy considering what I put as the subject of this email.  If your weather is like my weather, I would not generally describe it as a beautiful morning. But let me tell you a little story and you’ll see where I am coming from.


It all started Sunday morning shortly after I got up.  I had a very bad pain in my right shoulder – around on my back in what I call the shoulder muscle.  I still had it Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday it was pretty much a constant pain.  I had decided I probably has bursitis.  Now I know I’m not a doctor, but the internet is a great thing and I had all the symptoms.  At Church Wednesday night I wiggled and squirmed, trying to find a comfortable position.  If a child had been sitting beside me doing all that moving, I’m pretty sure I would have told him/her to “sit still”.  Finally I sat with the corner of the pew pushing into the muscle and for some reason that eased it off a little.


First thing Thursday morning I went to the doctor.  Four hours later….yep….four hours….I find that maybe it’s spurs or arthritis.  Not what I wanted to hear.  But the doctor wants the radiologist to read the x-rays and give a professional opinion.  I respect that because I would rather the doctor not be second-guessing what might be wrong. So it will probably be Monday before I hear anything. She gave me some pain medication.  I came back to work and I hate to admit I didn’t get a thing done. But it hurt so bad, I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die!! I picked up the prescription after work, went home and took one of the pills right away.  Then I curled up in my recliner and waited for it to start to work.  It never did away with the pain but made it tolerable.  I took another before I went to bed and finally got a good night’s rest. 


I told you all that to tell you why it’s a beautiful morning.  When I opened my back door to go to my car, I saw the most beautiful sight.  There was a rainbow stretching from one side of the sky to the other.  The sky had been very dark when I had let Haley out a little earlier.  I stepped back in the house, picked up my camera (which always stays on my kitchen table) and took some pictures.  Then as I headed down my road to US 64 I noticed that it was either a double rainbow or a reflection of the first rainbow.  I don’t know which, but it was beautiful.  I stopped on the side of the road just before I got on the bridge to take more pictures.  I just couldn’t help but think of how magnificent God’s creations are.  Who can put a rainbow in the sky…God.  Why can’t everyone just get that through their heads? I am sure there are some scientists that will explain it all away- gases, or some such thing.  But I choose to believe God put it there this morning just to brighten my day. And it really worked. 


So, that’s why I say “what a beautiful morning”.  I know the sun isn’t shining brightly but I saw God’s promise that He would never destroy the world again with water.  It just brought to mind all the other promises He has made.   


I hope you can open the pictures.  The first two are taken from my back porch.  The last one is taken at the foot of the Manns Harbor Bridge looking North.  I hope you can see the second rainbow in that picture.  It’s very faint and to the right.


Have a great day everyone. 







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