Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It's Wednesday, November 14, 2012.  I just woke up from a much needed nap and now I am wide awake. Of course I would be wide's almost bedtime.  This has been a stressful day.  I had a phone conversation with a good friend, which ended in an argument.  My headache kicked in shortly after that and I still have it.  There are a lot of things on my mind tonight and I think I will share some of them with you, my friends.

I don't like change.  I realize some changes are good and can, in the end, be a blessing.  Some are not so great.  In the last couple of months, I've thought a lot about some of the changes in my life.  In April 1966 I had to deal with a change which rocked my world.  My Daddy died...I was only 17.  I never, ever expected to loose my Daddy so early in my life.  I couldn't get along with my Mama and we made each other miserable.  But we both got beyond that hard time in our lives.

Other changes came along; graduation, marriage, divorce, moving to the Outer Banks, marriage (again), children. In 1994 within three months of each other my Mama died and TJ and Ray lost their Granddaddy Jordan .  We all struggled with those changes in our lives. Then I was blessed with a granddaughter and a few years later a grandson.

TJ moved away from home to Greenville.  Boy, I really missed him.  Ray and I continued to live together until he moved to Alaska in 2008. My baby...all those many miles away from me. Then I was home by myself.

I've never minded living by myself. I have a full life.  I love to do a lot of things and quite truthfully, I hardly ever get lonesome.  I love working for and at my Church; something I never really had the time to do until a couple of years ago.

Now, I am getting ready to experience maybe one of the biggest changes in my life.  This change might be difficult for me, considering I am 64 years old. I have worked for someone, other than my parents, since I was 16. In that time I have had four full time employers and two part-time employers.  I had the two part-time jobs while I was working for my present employer.  I have worked for Melvin since 1974 - 38 years and 10 months.  I love my job and consider myself to be truly blessed in that respect.  I look forward to going to work on Monday morning, even during tax time.  This particular change has been in the works for a few months but for several reasons, I wasn't able to share it with everyone.  Effective December 1, I will have a new boss!! Melvin has sold his business. We officially notified all our clients today.  I've met the new owner and his wife and really like both of them.  I will be working part-time through next tax season, probably until the end of April and maybe some more after that.   I've never had a part-time as my main employment.  I'm not sure how it will work out.  I am so used to getting up and going to work.  One more change is taking place in January....I will be drawing Social Security.  I'm not sure how I feel about that either.  Just thinking about it makes me feel

Melvin is not a hands-on or look-over-your-shoulder employer.  Most days he doesn't come in until late in the afternoon and some days not at all. As long as my work is done I can pretty much do what I want to just as long as I am in the office.  I watch movies, play games on the computer, read and sometimes even crochet.  I've always considered being able to do those things one of the perks of my job.  I can  take days off pretty much when I want to.  I don't know how things are going to be with Rob.  I don't know if he is going to be an employer who expects me to be busy all the time.  If so, that will be hard.  Sometimes I really don't have anything to do. I'll just have to wait and see.

I am ready to step-out on this new pathway in my life.  I've always loved a challenge and I plan to do the very best I can do to make this change in my life a good one.

I said earlier I don't like change but there is one change I am really looking forward to.  I really hope I can totally quit work sometime in 2013 and move out closer to my boys.  I am still relatively healthy and want to be closer to them while I am still able to do things with and for them.  That will be a great change.

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