Monday, August 8, 2011

What a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day here on the sunny Outer Banks. It is hot – very hot – but the sun is shining brightly, we have a little breeze and the birds right outside my window are just singing their little hearts out. And every now and then, I hear a squirrel chattering. How great it is to be alive!

We had such a great day at Church yesterday. A new family joined with us – welcome to the Addisons; Pastor Tyler preached two great sermons. I especially enjoyed the AM service; about David. I love to take notes and as Pastor was preaching yesterday I read a note I had written in my Bible several years ago. I usually write the preacher’s name and date of the sermon but I didn’t on that particular time. But I had written these words in the margin about David: “Jesse saw his youngest son; his brothers saw a brat; Saul saw a young lad; God saw a king!”. The message just emphasized the need for Christ in our lives; how God had taken this young lad and used him to slay a giant. But the message also emphasized that without God, David would not have been able to kill the giant. All of us face giants today; not like David’s giant – men over nine feet tall. But we face giants nevertheless. Financial burdens, medical problems, loss of job, loss of homes, troubles with children, troubles with parents and the list could go on and on. But having Christ in our lives makes facing those “giants” so much easier. In last Wednesday night’s message, Pastor preached from James. Our new Sunday School program is studying James and Pastor was giving the teachers a look into those lessons. He mentioned the Beatitudes that are found in the Bible and if you ask someone about them, they would immediately mention Matthew 5 – the famous sermon on the mount. Pastor explained that Beatitudes are found in several places. And James 5:12 is one of those Beatitudes: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”. What a great promise! Pastor said this was the Beatitude of Trials.

Recently I have been facing my own “giants”. Some of these are of my own making but some of them are absolutely out of my control. This latest “giant” had just about whipped me down to the final count. I was so disappointed last Wednesday when I didn’t get an answer, or rather the answer I wanted, from Dr. Thornton. I was discouraged all day Thursday. But Friday morning I woke up with a whole new attitude. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve known all along that God was in control. But I finally got it through my thick head that HE REALLY IS IN CONTROL! I have to just quit saying those words; I have to live them. I don’t know what kind of answer I will get Thursday when I visit the neurologist – but God knows. I don’t know if it will be bad news – but God knows. I don’t know it if will be devastating news – but God knows. I don’t know if it will be great news – but God knows. I finally accepted that. And then Pastor reconfirmed that with James 5:12. I just substituted the word “tribulation” for the word “temptation” and claimed the promise. I told a friend yesterday that I was ready for whatever the outcome. If I find that whatever is causing the constant nausea and dizziness is something I have to live with, then I will live with it. BUT I can chose how I want to live with it. I can live with it by being down and discouraged and constantly saying “Woe is me!”. Or I can live with it with a smile on my face and thanking God that I am still alive to live with it. It’s all up to me and my outlook on life. Do I want to live with those two things? Absolutely not. But I can. They don’t have to rule my life. I often forget how truly blessed I am – in so many ways. I have such a great family, two great children, grandchildren that are a real blessing, my Church family (which I wouldn’t trade for any other in the world), adopted family that I love dearly, a job that I have had for 37 years and I still look forward to working – so many ways. I am more fortunate than so many people and it’s time I quite taking all of that for granted.

I didn’t mean to get on my “soap-box” this morning. I just wanted to share my new attitude with you.

Have a blessed day everyone.


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