Saturday, January 2, 2010

Entering a New Year

I hope all of my friends and family had a Merry Christmas. Mine was quiet but enjoyable. We opened our presents on Christmas Day and had our Christmas meal on Saturday. TJ, Hannah, Amy, Josh, Lynda and Katie were here. Lynda is TJ and Raymond’s aunt and Katie her daughter. I did a lot of my cooking Friday afternoon after the kids went back to Amy’s parent’s house. I started again bright and early Saturday. I cooked so much food it was kind of ridiculous. I always tend to over-do at times like this and this meal was no exception. I really don’t like to cook so when I do make the effort, I go all out. But the food was good and the fellowship was great. Haley finally gave up on trying to get some people food and collapsed on her bed. I did put some turkey and gravy in her food later that night.

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TJ received some new toys for his woodshop, some coveralls to keep him warm and one of his most special gifts didn’t get here in time. I ordered him a branding iron with his family logo, “Jordans Woodshop” on it. But, since Mama Santa was late placing the order…..oh well. Josh “graciously” agreed to wear the bow until all the presents were opened. And Miss Hannah got her Carhart jacket. She was absolutely thrilled.

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TJ also got a new hat which he proudly displays. Amy got pj’s, a cook book and a special gift from TJ. Josh got legos, legos, and more legos. He has quite an imagination and can build really neat things with them. Haley got a little love from TJ. He doesn’t often show her this much affection so I had to get the picture.

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Hannah also got a really funky pair of shoes; lots of different colors on them. Again, she was thrilled.


Everyone went to church with me Sunday; Hannah had to go home after that and TJ, Amy, Josh and I went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Pizza Hut? TL’s was closed. Shucks. About the middle of the afternoon, TJ’s Jeep was all packed up, with just enough room for the 3 of them to sit and they headed back to Albemarle. The Jeep was so tightly packed, TJ had to leave half an apple pie and a whole coconut pie at my house. You know his heart was burdened by this.

I was very glad to get back to work Monday. I’m the kind of person who likes to stay busy and I had been off work since Tues. of the week before. I enjoyed the time off; I caught up on some of my reading and did a lot of crocheting. But, it was time to get back on the job. I am an income tax accountant and have been with Melvin T. Twiddy, Jr., Inc. since February 1974. I am usually the only person in the office most of the day. Melvin does a lot of his work at home and doesn’t come in until late in the afternoon. I am pretty much my own boss. If I don’t have any accounting work to do, I can watch movies on the computer, play games, read, etc. Of course, these are pretty good working arrangements for me. I hope Melvin will continue to work until I can retire, because after having working conditions like these for so long, it would be very hard to “train” another boss. I am truly blessed with my job. I love it and look forward to going to work, even during the tax season.

I am also the treasurer of North Carolina Beach Buggy Association; and the office is located in my home. Again, I can do the work at my own pace as long as I reach all the deadlines. I really enjoy this job and it offers me lots of challenges. It is an elected position and I have held the office for more than 20 years and never had anyone run against me. This job has allowed me to meet many, many people; both through personal and internet contact.

Being involved in my church, Roanoke Island Baptist Church, is very dear to my heart. My church is very small with less than 20 active members. Most of our membership is my age and older. But, I love my church and my church family. We are truly blessed with our pastor and his wife, Charles and Candi Tyler. I am the treasurer and also play the organ. Being the treasurer is a piece of cake for me. Playing the organ is another story. I only took music for 2 or 3 years and I’m not very talented, but I love to play and I am all we have. So, I do the best I can.

As I look back on 2009, there are a lot of things I regret. I’m sure most people feel this way. Regret for things I did, things I didn’t do, etc. The year was hard for me in several areas – financially, physically, emotionally. My hormones always seem to be out of step and I am either crying or angry. Sometimes I just can’t get a handle on them. But in September we had a revival at church and I began to see a change in my life. I was going through several medical problems then, all of them with the potential to be life-changing. God took care of every one of them; I have one more follow-up visit this month and then, hopefully, the doctors will turn me loose. Some things I will have to learn live with and others I will be able to over come if I just do as the doctors say.

A couple of weeks ago, on a Sunday night, I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ. I was saved on May 5, 1988. I haven’t always been the Christian I should be and God has always chastened me. But, after the revival, I just felt like some things weren’t right in my life. I did not doubt my salvation, but I knew I needed to do more for my Lord. I have done things in the past that have hurt my church and my church family in addition to the hurt heaped on my children and family. I know they have forgiven me; but I needed to do this for me! I need to walk a closer walk with Jesus and I need for the world to be able to see that I am a Christian.

So, as I sit here today typing this post, I wonder what 2010 will hold for me? I really don’t ask for much out of life. I would like to have enough money to pay my bills with maybe a little left over (I think that is what everyone wants). I don’t care about world travel, but I would love to visit Raymond in Alaska. I really miss him and Alaska is one of the few places I have always wanted to visit. I would like to see both of my boys married and settled down with good Christian wives. I would like to see both of them get involved in a good, Bible believing church and lead a Godly life. I would like to see the war end and all our soldiers return home to their families. I would like to see the politicians remember that WE put them there and they should be taking care of us. I would like to see my country have a President that cares about us, REALLY care about us. I believe my country is “going to hell in a hand basket” and it scares me to death. But, I also believe God is in total control. I believe Jesus is coming again and soon! And with that realization, I understand that I have all I really need – my salvation!

I hope and pray that all my family and friends have a wonderful and blessed 2010. My prayer is that if you don’t have Jesus Christ in your life that you will take the appropriate steps to fix that. If I can help you with this, please feel free to call on me. May God bless you and God Bless America!



Unknown said...

I think I say this almost every time I comment here, but you'll just have to endure it . . . so . . . thank you for the post! :D Thank you for sharing stories and pictures and your heart. I always enjoy reading what you write.

Love you LOTS,


Unknown said...

You do a great job Brenda! I too enjoy reading your writings.