Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I hope all of you are doing well and staying warm.


I have been advised recently my emails are “too preachy and religious”.  If so, I apologize….only because the BIBLE says a woman shouldn’t preach!  That being said….I do not apologize for being a Christian or trying to share MY Christian experiences or views or for sometimes sharing something out of God’s Word!  That being said….you have the choice to continue receiving the emails or not.  All it takes is a short response from you asking me to remove you from the list; you don’t have to give me a reason and I won’t ask for one; I’ll just take you off.


Okay, here goes my opinion: I think the reason some people don’t want to hear something “preachy and religious” is because they aren’t a Christian and don’t want to hear anything about being one.  I had someone tell me that he didn’t think he could be a Christian because he didn’t think he could change all the things in his life that were wrong overnight.  Well, duh! I don’t believe God expects that.  If you truly give your heart to Him, He is going to show you the way to change the things.  I struggled with several things in my life after I became a Christian.  I still struggle with some things and when I die, I will still be struggling with some things.  They aren’t necessarily the same things I struggled with right after I got saved; but I battle the devil every day.  All of us do.  And if someone tells you that since they became a Christian, their life is perfect, no more battles with the devil, no more sin in their life…..know “it ain’t so”.  It would be awesome if my life did not contain any sin but it just isn’t happening. I fought sin all day yesterday… in several disguises.  Losing my temper was probably the worse because when I lost my temper, it put my mouth in full forward motion.  Then I had to call someone and tell them I was sorry for what I had said.  Yes, that hurt my testimony, but the man I was talking to is a Christian also and he understood.  None of us are perfect; God doesn’t expect us to be.  He has already forgiven me for every sin I have ever committed and for every sin I will ever commit.  Thankfully, he has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west, which is a distance that cannot be determined. 


Okay, that is my sermon for today….just joking.  I hope all of you know that I would not ntentionally offend any of you with anything I put in an email.  I had a friend tell me she wasn’t too happy with the email about Fat People because she thought I was talking about her.  I wasn’t and if you remember I made a comment in the email about looking in my own mirror. 


Have a great day and embrace all the day has to offer you.







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