Sunday, January 23, 2011


Good morning everyone.  Boy, it is really cold this morning.  I can’t remember a winter as cold as this one.  Maybe it’s because I’m older and suffer from some arthritis in my knees, hands and one foot.


I haven’t written an email in a couple of days.  Lots of things going on – not necessarily work – just things that took my time.  Yesterday I kept reminding myself to write one-then I got involved in a good book, kept running to the window to watch the snow that was falling and then wasn’t falling, doing some laundry, cooking a pot of vegetable soup and before I knew it, the day was gone and then I had some paperwork to do last night for my Church.


I love to read, always have.  I became a member of Doubleday Book Club my senior year in high school and stayed a member until about 5 years ago.  I used to buy paperback books until I decided it was too expensive.  One of the first things I did after moving to Dare County and getting settled was get a library card.  I’ve had one since I was 10.  Until about 5 years ago, I would check out 10 to 13 books every 2 weeks.  After the problems started with my eyes, it became harder to read. I really struggle to read now and I really hate it.  Even getting the books with larger print isn’t a help.  So, now I don’t read as much and on the few occasions I go the library, the ladies in there always tell they miss seeing me.


I said all that to say this, the book I read yesterday was a really great book…one of the best I’ve read in a long time.  It belongs to Candi and was given to me at the ladies meeting last Saturday.  The title is “The Christmas Sweater” by Glenn Beck.  I’ve never read anything by him before.  I’m not going to tell much about the book, because I would like to encourage any of you that have not read it yet, to do so.  I will tell you this…at the end of it, I was crying and they were cleansing tears and thankful tears.  Now you’ll have to read it to know why.  I do want to share one thing with you that’s in the book.  The main character, having some struggles, goes through a storm. Not a real storm, but an emotional one and what he was told afterwards really impressed me.  He asked “Does everyone have to go through the storm?”.  The answer? “Yes, sooner or later. But no one has ever been lost to the storm, just lost in it. What most people don’t realize is that you don’t have to fight the storm, you just have to stop feeding it---stop giving it power over you.”  That is one of the truest statements I have ever read. 


I suffered from an emotional storm last summer.  I had some problems that I chose to keep to myself figuring I was a grown woman and I could take care of them all by myself.  Then I came to a time when I felt like it was me against the whole wide world.  I fought the storm, hard, but almost lost the battle.  Then I realized that I couldn’t take care of these things by myself.  But, more importantly, I didn’t have too.  I have a great family.  I have great friends.  I have a great Church family.  And they all helped me – each in their own way.  But, more important than any of those, I have the Lord.  He took my hand; no, it was more like the poem “Footprints”.  He actually carried me in His precious arms.  I got through the worst part, just a little scarred.  But the most important thing is that I came through the storm just as soon as I stopped feeding it.  I learned a lot about myself, mainly that I am  not the superwoman I thought I was and that it is okay to ask for help when I need it instead of trying to prove how strong I am. I’ve been a single Mom since my kids were 2 and 6 years old.  I never had much emotional or financial help.  I felt like I had to be strong for them. I was too proud to ask for help. We made it, but now I’ve reached the time in my life where I have to ask for help now and then.  Sometimes it hurt to ask….hurts my pride!  But I’m getting there.  I’ve learned it’s okay to ask and there is always someone willing to help….my family, my friends and my Church family. 


I have one of the greatest support groups in the world and I would like to add my “Friends” that are on my email list.  I don’t write these emails to get a response from any of you.  Most of the time I write them just because I have something bugging me or I’m concerned about something it and it usually helps to write it down.  But, I always get some responses and I love them.  You all encourage me and I love all of you.


Hope you have a great day.  I need to get ready to head off to Church soon.  Gotta get the van warmed up a little before I head to Wanchese.  Please stay warm.


Embrace the day and all it has to offer you.





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