Monday, January 10, 2011

Pay it Forward 2011

I have had a great Sunday.  I hope all of you have too. Church was very good today.  Didn’t have quite the same success with the van trips as I did last Sunday; but still good.  Even if we only pick up one child, that is one child that will hear something about the Lord. I had the extra blessing of teaching the preschool class for Robin.  I only had one child, Hayden, but she was a real blessing to me.


Tonight was our business meeting at Church.  We had it after the worship service. This is the night the budget is presented and voted on.  The meeting went well and I think everyone drew a sigh of relief.  I don’t know why we get “antsy” about business meetings, but we do.  Just before the meeting was over I made the comment that I am always amazed at how much our little Church does.  We have less than 20 members and a lot of them are elderly.  I’m including myself in that category.  A lot of our members are retired or on a fixed income.  We don’t have any debt and we support 24 missionaries through a program called Faith Promise.  This means that none of that support comes out of the working capital of our Church.  It is given in addition to our tithes.  So, again I have to say I am amazed at what God allows us to accomplish to further His Gospel.  I made the comment tonight that our blessings always, always, always outweigh our problems. Our “little Church on North End” is truly blessed.


Tonight during our prayer time, my mind began to wander.  I had already finished my prayer (we were having silent prayer) and was waiting for the Pastor to close the prayer.  I began to think about my subject listed above.  A few days ago a friend of mine put a post on FaceBook.  It was called Pay if Forward 2011 and this is how it works.  She put in her status that the first 3 people that commented on her status would receive something handmade from her during 2011.  The only rule to this is that those 3 people have to put the information in their status and do something for the first three people that comment, etc., etc. I hesitated, just a few minutes, before I commented on my friend’s status.  The only reason I hesitated is because she is a missionary and I felt like she was so busy that I didn’t want to add to her burden.  Then I realized that I might be depriving her of a blessing, so I commented and I was the FIRST!  I have no idea what I am going to receive from her but I am excited about it. Within an hour of my putting the post in my status, I had 3 comments.  Can you picture how many people’s lives will be touched by this if everyone “pays it forward” like they should?  By this time, Pastor had closed the prayer and we were ready for the message. 


On my way home tonight, I began to think about this again and was wondering how could I be a blessing to other people.  And this is what I decided.  I am going to challenge each of you to do something for somebody else this year.  Maybe once a month you could pick someone and do something special for them.  It doesn’t have to be something handmade, expensive or elaborate.  Just something to let that particular person know you were thinking of them. Run an errand for an elderly person, take someone to a doctor appointment and wait with them, babysit, offer to help them in their yard or house.  You get the picture.  I really don’t think people do too much of this today.  We are all so busy with our own lives and always seem to be in a hurry. 


You don’t have to make any response to me about what you decide to do IF you do decide to do anything.  Just pray about it and see what the Lord lays on your heart.  I promise you this…you might be a blessing to someone else; but I can guarantee you this… will absolutely get a blessing yourself.


I hope all of you have a great week. Remember to pray for someone.





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