Friday, February 18, 2011

A Special Blessing

This is Ms. Rennie Fuqua. She is probably not going to like the idea that I am devoting a blog post and email to her. But I think she is deserving. She is a member of Roanoke Island Baptist Church on Roanoke Island. I don’t know if she has ever been a member of another Church, but probably not. Right now, she is the oldest member in our Church. But her age does not keep her from doing the Lord’s work.

Just recently I sent out an email, “Tribute to Laura Jean”, and I told you a little about Ms. Rennie in that email. She raised her children practically by herself. And Laura Jean was a special needs child and Ms. Rennie was her constant companion.

She probably would prefer that I not post any pictures of her. But, I’ll just deal with her flak. The picture below was taken at Christmas, 2008. This was the first year we had a poinsettia tree at Church. It made a perfect backdrop for Christmas pictures. I think I took pictures of all our members and they are posted on our Church website.


This picture was taken during Vacation Bible School. For several years Ms. Rennie worked in the kitchen, preparing the snacks for the children. Ms. Rennie and Sue worked in the kitchen together this year. I am the unofficial Church photographer and I spend most of my time running from place to place.

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This is another Bible School picture. She had come in the money counting room to bring us a snack and took a short break and visited with us.

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This picture was taken at Missions Conference.


This picture was taken at Vacation Bible School on Friday night. This was after our closing ceremonies during the cookout we have for the kids, parents and workers.


This picture was taken during Vacation Bible School in 2010. Ms. Rennie wasn’t in the kitchen that year. She helped Ms. Hope with her class.


I chose these particular pictures for a couple of reasons. Ms. Rennie is not physically able to do some things at Church. But she is very willing to do whatever she can. She does nursery duty, helps us out with the cleaning. Last year when we exercising, she was recovering from surgery, but she would come and do what she could.

Life has not always been easy for her. She had breast cancer a few years ago and I called one afternoon to check on her before I left work to go home. I wanted to see if she needed anything from town or if there was anything else I could do for her. When she answered the phone, she sounded so cheerful and when I hung up, I was the one that had been blessed! She is a very strong woman. She has had a lot of trials in her life, but she always comes through them with a smile and grace.

I titled this post “A Special Blessing” because that is what she is. I wrecked my car a couple of weeks ago. My insurance did not cover me getting a rental car and quite frankly, I couldn’t afford to rent one without help from the insurance company. I really didn’t know what I was going to do…it might be as long as three weeks before my car would be fixed. The wreck happened on Friday and on Saturday I found out I could borrow Ms. Rennie’s car. She is having a little medical problem right now and the doctors don’t want her to drive for about a month. She was glad to have the car driven some, to keep the battery charged, etc. and I was very glad to have a car to drive. Isn’t it great how God worked that out for both of us?

There are many definitions for the word “hero”. But in every source, two words were mentioned – strength and courage. Ms. Rennie possesses both of these things. She could never have done what she had to do in her life without them. But she also has one more thing – an unfaltering faith in God. That is the key. Ms. Rennie is my hero and I am so thankful she is my friend.

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