To the editor:
Reading Senator Burr's letter on veterans in today's edition reminded me of an inspiring incident that occurred a couple of month ago on a flight from Dallas to Seattle.
Aboard the plane were 30-40 soldiers returning to Ft. Lewis for two months of training and relaxation before resuming their duties in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of war. On approaching the Seattle gate, the pilot announced that these soldiers had loved ones anxiously awaiting their arrival and asked that we all remain in our seats until all the military personnel had cleared the aircraft. As the first soldier rose to leave, a loud applause broke out throughout the plane and continued until it appeared all had departed. But then came shouts from the rear "there's three more", then "there's two more" and finally "there's one more". As each of these three struggled down the long aisle with their gear, they were greeted with individual applause.
Probably the best description of how much these men and women appreciated this spontaneous burst of citizen support was expressed by one young men, who on departing, was heard to say, "I wish I never had to leave this airplane."
John Summers, Duck, NC November 11
I don't think Mr. Summers will mind that I used his letter in this post.
I am probably like a lot of you in that I am a very patriotic person. When there was a Hardee's in Manteo many years ago, they had a really HUGE American flag (which was eventually stolen) and my heart always filled with pride every time I saw it. I cry at all the commercials that show the military coming home, walking through the airports and having people salute them, meeting their loved ones, maybe seeing a baby for the first time.
BUT and this is a really big but, do I pray for them every day? Or do I just take them for granted - "they didn't have to go; they volunteered; they only joined to get an education......and on and on. I am ashamed to admit that I don't pray for them every day. And, folks, that's wrong! I ask God every day to take of my children, help them, bless them; bless my family, my church family, etc. You get the picture. But, I don't pray for the military unless I am reminded to do so. I am very ashamed.
You know, we have an awesome country - this United States of America. I am not proud of what is happening here; what our elected leaders are doing to my country. But, I do appreciate the fact that I live in the greatest country in the world. Thank you to all the military, both past and present who lay their lives on the line every day. God Bless You.
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