Monday, November 2, 2009


This is a new experience for me. I have posted on other blogs, but never had one of my own. I need your help to make this a great blogspot. I think we can have fun here, sharing our ideas, thoughts, concerns, dreams, etc. You get the picture. I only ask that you keep your comments and posts clean, both in language and content (I know that it's probably not necessary to ask that; but I want to cover all the bases). The ladies in our church and other praying friends had so much fun last week passing emails back and forth that I just wanted to have another format for us to contact each other.

If you would like to be a contributor, let me know. If not, you can just make comments to posts.


Candi said...

Okay now that we are up and running, let's have fun!
Hey, what's the difference between an Outlaw and a Llama? :)

Brenda said...

I don't know-what is the difference between an Outlaw and a Llama?

Candi said...

I really don't know either so I am going to take a flying leap....
Outlaws do bad things like spit on people????? Did that fly? Love you girl.