You can see the tracks of a few snow machines out and about but there is still not quite enough snow to ride just yet. We are all starting to plug in the trucks at night. Nothing is as much fun as getting up and running outside when its 10 or so below and you’re in your pjs, and then you realize you forgot to plug in the truck and it’s frozen, yes I said frozen. That really sucks. Then when its 60 below and it is plugged in and it’s still frozen, imagine how frustrated you can get then. That is cold enough for coffee to turn into vapor when you toss it into the air. I will have to make a point of recording that for you some time so you can all see that. It’s kind of cool.
Still warm enough to wear only blue jeans and a sweatshirt. We havent got to the bibs and carhart stage of winter yet. We still have another month or so before that hits.
Have a wonderful day and I will talk with you again soon.
Come home Raymond, it's too cold for you to live in a place like that! Brrrrrr and I think 57 degrees is cold.
You know the worst part, and I mean the time that its feels the coldest is between 10 and -10. Once it hits 20 below and colder its a different kind of cold. When is between 10 and -10, there is still a dampness in the air that bites all the way through you.
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